Basic Reflexology Techniques & Routines for Overall Wellness

Reflexology is a gentle modality that has many benefits.

In the past it's been necessary to train as a certified Reflexologist in order to learn the basics. This course allows you a way to use these techniques for yourself or share reflexology with your partner, family and friends to help them restore harmony and balance to the body.

As those of you who have experience this modality have noticed, even a little bit of Reflexology can have a major effect on how you feel!

Wellness & Healing for Yourself and the Whole Family

Reflexology is a gentle technique to help holistically restore harmony and balance to the body

This course includes simple techniques to help navigate:

-Stress & Relaxation

-Common Ailments such as headaches, colds & digestive concerns

It's amazing how much a these simple techniques can help us feel our best!

*Disclaimer* These techniques are not meant to take the place of standard medical care. If you have any questions about pre-existing conditions make sure to consult with your doctor before starting this course

Foot Reflexology: Back to the Basics

Gentle Techniques For Yourself, Family & Friends Curriculum

This course includes video lessons, guides and written instructions to help you grasp all concepts and techniques to be able to effectively perform Foot Reflexology on yourself as well as on friends and family.

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Meet Your Instructor

When I started my wellness journey almost 6 years ago, I never thought that I would where I am today or even teaching about Reflexology!

My goal is always to share the tools & techniques that have been vital to my own journey, which includes the practice of Reflexology. I thoroughly believe that this modality should be readiliy available for those who are looking to support themselves, their friends as well as their family. I know I have loved sharing these techniques with mine!

If you are ready to discover more about Reflexology and how you can use it to augment your wellness journey as well as your loved ones, I know you will enjoy this course!